
  • First international approval
    First international approval
    Drug balloon for coronary artery bifurcation disease
  • Drug stent system
    Drug stent system
    Triple realization saves money and is safe
  • Contrast catheter
    Contrast catheter
    Large cavity, easy to operate
  • PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter
    PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter
    Pre-expanded, flexible and smooth

    Reliable pressure resistance


YINYI (LIAONING) BIOTECH CO., LTD. ("Yinyi Biotech" for short) was established in October 2004 and listed on the "New Third Board" in December 2015 (stock code: 835066). The company specializes in the research and development, production and sales of three types of interventional medical devices including cardiovascular stents. It is a national high-tech enterprise and a national innovative pilot enterprise. The Polymer-free microblind microporous drug-loaded heart stent and drug-eluting balloon developed by the company have Chinese authorized invention patents and fill the gap in China. It is the technology leader of my country's new generation of drug stents and coronary drug-eluting balloons.

Yinyi Biotech is located in Jinpu New District. There are more than 260 employees, among which 95% of the total number of employees is college degree or above. The company has two GMP purification production workshops, and has passed ISO9001 and ISO13485 international quality management system certification. The company has presided over more than 30 national, provincial and municipal government science and technology projects, including the National "Tenth Five-Year" Science and Technology Research Plan, the National "Eleventh Five-Year" Science and Technology Support Plan, the National "12th Five-Year" Science and Technology Support Plan, and the 863 Plan. It is a relatively innovative company in the field of interventional devices in China.

Yinyi Biotech has established a national and local joint engineering research center for biomedical materials research and development technology, a postdoctoral innovation practice base in Liaoning Province, an enterprise technology center in Liaoning, and a biomedical materials engineering research center in Dalian. It is the first batch of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in Liaoning Province. Dalian's first batch of leading technology enterprises, Dalian high-growth innovative enterprises and Dalian AAA-level tax-paying enterprises, won the 2016 China New Third Board Innovation Brand Value Top 100, 2016 China New Third Board Top 100 Most Innovative Enterprises, 2016 The top 100 companies listed on the NEEQ in Liaoning Province by total assets and the top 100 companies listed on the NEEQ in Liaoning Province in 2017. In the past five years, the company has paid more than 20 million yuan in taxes for the country each year.

Yinyi Biotech has independently developed and marketed the third generation of carrier-free drug stents, PTCA balloon catheters, metal stents, contrast catheters, drug-eluting balloons and other innovative products. The company has set up sales representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an and Shenyang, and cooperates with many domestic first-level agents to sell products to more than 30 provinces and regions nationwide.

The great virtue is boundless, the fine art strives for perfection. Yinyi Biotech takes "creating a Chinese own brand" as its mission, and makes unremitting efforts for the development of the national health industry! 
  • National high-tech enterprise

    The company specializes in the development, production and sales of three types of interventional medical devices such as cardiovascular stents

  • Have a Chinese authorized invention patent

    The company specializes in the development, production and sales of three types of interventional medical devices such as cardiovascular stents

  • Next-generation drug stent technology

    The company specializes in the development, production and sales of three types of interventional medical devices such as cardiovascular stents

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